Excursion programs

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Three students smile as they walk through the bush on a sunny day
STEM Year 5-6
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 5, Year 6
Use the power of your STEM curriculum to engage Year 5-6 students in finding solutions for endangered possums and parrots.
Three students smile as they walk through the bush on a sunny day
STEM Year 7-8
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 7, Year 8
Activate Year 7-8 students’ STEM skills by designing new nesting boxes for endangered possums and parrots.
A zoo staff member points up into the bushland while talking to three school students, dressed in school uniforms
STEM Year 9-10
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 9, Year 10
Activate Year 9-10 students’ STEM skills by designing new nesting boxes for endangered possums and parrots.
Three secondary school girls in blue uniforms smile as they look at two clipboards
VCE Biology Unit 2
Healesville Sanctuary | VCE
Discover how scientists are helping the conservation of an Australian species. Collect data to determine how its adaptations enable it to interact and survive within its ecosystem.
A group of young young primary school aged children sit and play dressed in blue uniforms
Non-Curriculum Aligned
Healesville Sanctuary | Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10, EAL
Experience the sights, sounds and smells of the Australian bush and its wonderous wildlife.
A zoo member of staff greets four people as they enter through Healesville Sanctuary entrance
Tertiary Programs
Healesville Sanctuary | Tertiary
A unique opportunity for University and TAFE students to engage with Zoos Victoria.
A koala with its claws around a tree branch with a eucalyptus leaf in its mouth
Tertiary Programs
Kyabram Fauna Park | Tertiary
A unique opportunity for University and TAFE students to engage with Zoos Victoria.
Close up of a Kangaroo Island Kangaroo as it faces forward surrounded by bushland behind.
Early Childhood
Kyabram Fauna Park | Early Childhood
Children will learn to connect to wildlife through movement and storytelling. They will explore how animals are the same and different from themselves.
Close up of Boyd S Forest Dragon, it has light green and brown scales with spikes along its spine and a brown reptilian eye.
Habitats, Features and Life Cycles F-2
Kyabram Fauna Park | Foundation, Year 1, Year 2
Discover what makes Australian animals so unique, how they survive and how best to care for them and their homes.
Side profile view of a Southern Cassowary on green grass. It has a large horn on its head with a blue neck and dark black feathers
Features, Life Cycles and the Environment Year 3-4
Kyabram Fauna Park | Year 3, Year 4
Discover the features and life cycles of Australian animals and learn how they depend on the environment to survive.